Saturday, April 7, 2007

Girl Talk: Anything But Small Talk

"My mom says I am too young for makeup—she is just so uncool."
"Everyone I know is wearing a bra—everyone except me."
"There's this cute guy in my chemistry class…"
"My mom always takes my brother's side!"
"Is it true that when you start shaving you have to keep doing it?"
How many times have you heard these (or similar) comments from girls? There's a reason—girls want and need to talk about family rules, makeup, boys, and body changes. Girls as young as nine years old are beginning to explore their feelings and ask questions about their changing relationships.
As a savvy leader/advisor you understand that girls don't want to hear a lecture from an adult. You know they want tips, information, and answers from their peers first. So how do you use your Girl Scout meetings to address the issues of boys, makeup, and family dynamics with the girls? It's as easy as 1-2-3.

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